A bit high strung

Guitar photos boost forum hitsBy T Martin For the record, I’m not a big guitar fan. I’m a mellower sort who enjoys piano, jazz, gospel and some R&B. I have friends, cousins, even a brother who play guitar, perhaps contributing to my need for diversion, but I’m not big on guitars. Even so, when my best friend asked me to photograph his guitars for some quick photos to post on eBay.com last May, I grabbed my Minolta DiMage 7…

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Birthday shout-outs

Magazine wishes the best for its bestNorFilly™ Editorial Staff This page will no longer be used as a fixed page for our monthly youth interviews. Instead, we will allow readers to send a birthday shout-out to someone special to them each month. We are starting things off with some birthday wishes from NorFilly™ Magazine to a few people who have helped us get the project going or who have been involved with sponsoring company Martin Picturesque over the years….

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Busy Valentine’s Day Schedule

Or dateless in North PhillyBy T Martin As the title should tell you, it’s pathetic enough I wasn’t dating anyone for Valentine’s Day this year. To further patheticize (did I make up a new one?) the situation, I even had things scheduled for the day – all work-related, at that. A professional workaholic performed this feat, so read on, but whether you’re with someone or not next February 14th, don’t try this at home! The Friday before our Saturday…

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College dribble and drone

Spice up your college experienceBy Patience Still College, oh the life, the challenge, the fun, the blah blah blah. Everybody talks about it everybody says who needs it everybody says can’t succeed without it (it’s really a personal decision what you do with knowledge). The question is do you want for two four six eight, twelve years to sit in an uncomfortable seat (made to try and keep you awake), in an out of season temperature room (hot in…

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Explore your leadership qualities

Things that make good leadersBy Debbie Vergara We all have leadership qualities; there is not one of us who doesn’t. Some have natural leadership qualities, and for others it has to be learned. We just have to find the strength within to be a leader. We can all reach our full leadership potential by doing well in everything we try to accomplish, whether it be at home, school, with friends, hobbies, family… you name it. Whatever it is, you…

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Building community support beams

Share yourself in neighborhood projectsBy Patience Still Community centers have good ideals and many seem to uphold them. The work that is done in the neighborhood, no matter how minimal, reflects established goals and objectives community organizations set. Organizations based on community needs, located in the community it represents, and maintained by people of the community know what the neighborhood needs most. These leaders in neighborhood well-being speak of outreach, education, artistic expression, and community oneness. The results are…

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Honoring the birthday girls

Magazine wishes the best for its bestNorFilly™ Editorial Staff This month’s scheduled interviews will be spread out between March and April editions of our magazine, as we send these special notices to some very special people that helped our parent company develop their programs toward production of this magazine. NorFilly™ Online Magazine is proud to offer its best wishes to two wonderful young models that have helped shape sponsoring company Martin Picturesque into one that serves youths better than…

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What does “beauty” mean?

Going beyond “skin deep”By Debbie Vergara Beauty is the quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses, such as a beautiful man or woman. Beauty, on the other hand, may only be skin deep and can require considerable surface maintenance. You can buy beauty in a bottle, such as the makeup one wears to become beautiful. But beauty can also be what you make of it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That means the one who is…

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Get a life – Get involved!

Youth involvement in community serviceBy Patience Still Unoccupied with no place to go? Take a trip to your local community center and get a tip. Community service is a gateway to involvement in making a neighborhood a better place. The more people involved, the more community members are in charge of their neighborhood. Volunteering to assist neighborhood families, helping older community members and arranging community functions are good ways to form closer relationships in a neighborhood. Many not-for-profit organizations…

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