Valid complaints or empty accusations?

Bracetti School discount parent concernsBy T Martin (as Escritor X) Whoa! Hold the phone! NorFilly Magazine published an article on parents’ tales of “humiliation” and “discrimination” last month, but not without some rebuke. In fact, grassroots periodical Community Focus also carried the story last week, receiving several bitter – and rightly so – phone calls. Admittedly, we dismissed much of what was brought to us by parents, even during our interviews, as “normal” for any school setting. However, language…

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(Dread) deadlines in adversity

Dealing with business after disaster strikesBy T Martin (as Escritor X) I love that message during MS-Windows® installation that lets you know that a flickering screen during installation is normal. So reassuring, right? On the other hand, I hate the flickering, distortion, discoloring and most recently, strange humming during normal operation that were symptomatic of a monitor blow-out! The screeches you heard on Monday night, April 12th, could well have been the sudden halt that my ProView 18″ flat…

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Technologically challenged

Defending blunders of the computer illiterateBy T Martin (as Escritor X) I’m writing technology articles for NorFilly Magazine out the online publication’s desperation to incorporate this topic into its monthly scheme. Flat out, I am NOT the person to be writing technical articles on new or old technology! While I won’t accept the post of “Technology Editor”, I succumbed to this task to help move the magazine along into its second quarter. I just wonder how long before NorFilly…

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Watch those eating habits

How to spot and avoid eating disordersBy Debbie Vergara I used to have a friend when I lived in Brooklyn NY…her name was Lucy, she had an eating/weight disorder called “anorexia nervosa, and bulimia.” Back then Lucy was 18, the same age I was; she was at least 5′ 5″ tall and weighed 104 pounds. Lucy almost died back then. Anorexia Nervosa is when a person is terrified about becoming FAT. A person who has anorexia usually weighs 85%…

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A poem about friendsBy Jennifer Aponte-Ortiz Pictures aren’t just picturesunless you let them be. Memories don’t just fade awayif you just stop remembering. Pictures aren’t just a four-cornered imagethat freezes a moment in time. They are a life-time memorythat brings back the past. Pictures have different meaningsfor all sorts of feelings. Whether they’re good or badthey’re always there to last. This is why…I love taking picturesand mainly with my friends. All because I knowthat friends don’t usually last…That is…

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Birthdays: Apr 2004

Magazine wishes the best for its bestNorFilly™ Editorial Staff This page will no longer be used as a fixed page for our monthly youth interviews. Instead, we will allow readers to send a birthday shout-out to someone special to them each month. We are starting things off with some birthday wishes from NorFilly™ Magazine to a few people who have helped us get the project going or who have been involved with sponsoring company Martin Picturesque over the years….

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Down and dirty, part 1

The skinny on community serviceBy T Martin (as Escritor X) In North Philly where “getting the paper” doesn’t mean picking up a periodical to keep current with local and world events, “community service” also carries a negative connotation – doing the dirty work – for a lot of kids. For most, community service has come to mean getting your hands dirty, cleaning up one of many trashed, vacant lots around the neighborhood. For some, it means scrubbing or painting…

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Rethinking school safety… again?

Burning issue or played out buzzwordsBy T Martin (as Escritor X) If you want to know how this year’s Presidential election will go down, know this: a school administrator’s worse headache will help elect the President. There are several reasons for this, namely that the public education system is merely politics and that schools produce buzzwords that once had meaning. The meaning is now lost in politics involving educational leaders with a questionable agenda and the elected officials that…

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21st Century rights and responsibilities

Challenging the parent’s authority over today’s teensBy T Martin (as Escritor X) Hear a kid no taller than a student desk curse out her teacher; or read about a disruptive student pulling the door off the hinges of his 4th-grade classroom. Get a phone call about your angelic child’s truancy rap after you faithfully dropping her off at school on time every morning; or witness a bloodbath at the local elementary school playground as tow or more kids gang…

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I’ll follow the boys

Being “in” without giving in to peer pressureBy Debbie Vergara Making decisions on your own is hard enough, but when other people get involved and try to pressure you one way or another it can be even harder. Peer Pressure is when you do things because everybody else does it — and you’re afraid you’ll look clueless or totally out of it if you don’t. It means that we feel pressure (either from inside or outside ourselves) to be…

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