Aspirantes STEP it up

Educational dance team performs liveBy T Martin “Stupid packed” doesn’t even begin to spell out how hype and intense ASPIRA’s S.T.E.P. group’s first live dance performance was on Friday night, April 16th. But that was dancer John Mull’s prediction when the dance troupe’s founder and director Hector Serrano invited NorFilly™ Magazine to attend the event held at Concilio’s Hall at 7th and Fairmount. Starting at the top with parents involved in the implementation of the education through dance and…

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Gala honors cream of the crop

“Youths of the Year” ritz it upBy T Martin Some of the best dressed and best behaved people were the youths of the year attending the Annual Boys and Girls Clubs of Philadelphia Black-tie Gala on Saturday, March 13th. This is because they weren’t allowed to sip the cocktails… and because they happen to represent six of the most fascinating groups of teens across the City. The teens at the Gala were chosen as “Youths of the Year” by…

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Experiment with your camera, part 2

Play with camera settings at nightBy T Martin Last month’s article on using manual camera settings to experiment with available light photography ended with an outdoor night photo of John Mull. This month continues the available light story with more night photography tips. Get your tripod, and make sure your camera has fresh batteries! Beginning last August, I got myself on a night photography kick and just started taking the camera out at night to try something different or…

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“Ready like spaghetti!”

How one teen performer prepares for the big-timeBy T Martin NorFilly™ Online Magazine is proud to have interviewed Julietta Alexis Diaz on her recent management contract and anticipated good fortune in show business. We also welcome her to the Martin Picturesque Family as one of the newest additions to our line of model hopefuls. When NorFilly™ set out to create a magazine that would feature great stories and highlight bright young achievers, we had no idea our first interview…

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