Miss Communications!

Talking major speaks out about role modelsBy T Martin When trying to find a likely youth to interview for this month’s edition of NorFilly™ Magazine, I considered a youth whose story greatly differed from that of our first interviewee, Julietta Diaz. I wanted a story that sent a positive message without a fairy tale following. I didn’t get the one I staked so much on, but almost every kid I talked to asked me if I was the reporter…

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Down and dirty, part 1

The skinny on community serviceBy T Martin (as Escritor X) In North Philly where “getting the paper” doesn’t mean picking up a periodical to keep current with local and world events, “community service” also carries a negative connotation – doing the dirty work – for a lot of kids. For most, community service has come to mean getting your hands dirty, cleaning up one of many trashed, vacant lots around the neighborhood. For some, it means scrubbing or painting…

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Rethinking school safety… again?

Burning issue or played out buzzwordsBy T Martin (as Escritor X) If you want to know how this year’s Presidential election will go down, know this: a school administrator’s worse headache will help elect the President. There are several reasons for this, namely that the public education system is merely politics and that schools produce buzzwords that once had meaning. The meaning is now lost in politics involving educational leaders with a questionable agenda and the elected officials that…

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21st Century rights and responsibilities

Challenging the parent’s authority over today’s teensBy T Martin (as Escritor X) Hear a kid no taller than a student desk curse out her teacher; or read about a disruptive student pulling the door off the hinges of his 4th-grade classroom. Get a phone call about your angelic child’s truancy rap after you faithfully dropping her off at school on time every morning; or witness a bloodbath at the local elementary school playground as tow or more kids gang…

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I’ll follow the boys

Being “in” without giving in to peer pressureBy Debbie Vergara Making decisions on your own is hard enough, but when other people get involved and try to pressure you one way or another it can be even harder. Peer Pressure is when you do things because everybody else does it — and you’re afraid you’ll look clueless or totally out of it if you don’t. It means that we feel pressure (either from inside or outside ourselves) to be…

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A bit high strung

Guitar photos boost forum hitsBy T Martin For the record, I’m not a big guitar fan. I’m a mellower sort who enjoys piano, jazz, gospel and some R&B. I have friends, cousins, even a brother who play guitar, perhaps contributing to my need for diversion, but I’m not big on guitars. Even so, when my best friend asked me to photograph his guitars for some quick photos to post on eBay.com last May, I grabbed my Minolta DiMage 7…

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Passenger side, best friend’s ride

Scrubs get better photosBy T Martin Last November, I was invited to chaperone neighborhood youths on a field trip to Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. Though I suspect the invitation was a direct message to me, the purpose of the trip was for the children to get a tour of the college and some lunch afterwards. And though I wasn’t particularly interested in the tour, I found a number of interesting photos at the college, as well as in…

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Birthday shout-outs

Magazine wishes the best for its bestNorFilly™ Editorial Staff This page will no longer be used as a fixed page for our monthly youth interviews. Instead, we will allow readers to send a birthday shout-out to someone special to them each month. We are starting things off with some birthday wishes from NorFilly™ Magazine to a few people who have helped us get the project going or who have been involved with sponsoring company Martin Picturesque over the years….

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Q&A: Mar 2004

Readers ask, we answerEditorial Staff General Questions Where are the technology articles? Who is the editor for the technology articles?– Diana Concepción February was slated to feature our first technology articles, but our intended technology editor has not gotten back to us. We hope to install some technology reviews and articles by May or June of this year. Thanks for reading and for asking. A friend told me about this website. I didn’t expect to see Tatiana on here….

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Posted in Mar 2004, Q&A Comments Off on Q&A: Mar 2004
Feedback: Mar 2004

Feedback – Positive and NegativeThe good, the bad and the uglyReaders tell us what they think Young leaders model for pre-teens This is a terrific article! This program clearly has great benefits for students and mentors. Keep up the good work and let’s see this program expanded to other schools.– William Leatherbee, Member of the BoardBoys & Girls Clubs of Philadelphia Experiment with camera settings at night I really like those pictures. I am thinking of taking some pictures…

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