Watch those eating habits

How to spot and avoid eating disordersBy Debbie Vergara I used to have a friend when I lived in Brooklyn NY…her name was Lucy, she had an eating/weight disorder called “anorexia nervosa, and bulimia.” Back then Lucy was 18, the same age I was; she was at least 5′ 5″ tall and weighed 104 pounds. Lucy almost died back then. Anorexia Nervosa is when a person is terrified about becoming FAT. A person who has anorexia usually weighs 85%…

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I’ll follow the boys

Being “in” without giving in to peer pressureBy Debbie Vergara Making decisions on your own is hard enough, but when other people get involved and try to pressure you one way or another it can be even harder. Peer Pressure is when you do things because everybody else does it — and you’re afraid you’ll look clueless or totally out of it if you don’t. It means that we feel pressure (either from inside or outside ourselves) to be…

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Explore your leadership qualities

Things that make good leadersBy Debbie Vergara We all have leadership qualities; there is not one of us who doesn’t. Some have natural leadership qualities, and for others it has to be learned. We just have to find the strength within to be a leader. We can all reach our full leadership potential by doing well in everything we try to accomplish, whether it be at home, school, with friends, hobbies, family… you name it. Whatever it is, you…

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What does “beauty” mean?

Going beyond “skin deep”By Debbie Vergara Beauty is the quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses, such as a beautiful man or woman. Beauty, on the other hand, may only be skin deep and can require considerable surface maintenance. You can buy beauty in a bottle, such as the makeup one wears to become beautiful. But beauty can also be what you make of it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That means the one who is…

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