Honoring the birthday girls

Magazine wishes the best for its best
NorFilly™ Editorial Staff

This month’s scheduled interviews will be spread out between March and April editions of our magazine, as we send these special notices to some very special people that helped our parent company develop their programs toward production of this magazine.

NorFilly™ Online Magazine is proud to offer its best wishes to two wonderful young models that have helped shape sponsoring company Martin Picturesque into one that serves youths better than ever. Rebecca DeJesus, Picturesque’s first spokesmodel, modeled 20 on February 18th; and Omayra Rivera, the company’s newest child model, smiled 12 on February 20th. Martin Picturesque thanks both of you for your dedication, energy and enthusiasm.

Rebecca DeJesus
Becky D, without doubt the most popular model to be featured at CamCobra.com, expressed an interest in modeling for Picturesque in 2001 when the company contacted her long-time friend and neighbor Tatiana Negron for assistance with some projects. Since that time she has led the amateur modeling scene at CamCobra.com, becoming the first spokesmodel for what was then the Amateur Models Program. She relinquished the title, passing the torch to Tatiana, in 2002 when she left for Bloomsburg University.

With a new twist, Amateur Models incorporated community service into its photography and fashion program, creating Model Citizens. Just before leaving for college that year, Becky took one final photo shoot in which she firmly established herself as Martin Picturesuqe’s #1 model to grace the Model Citizens Gallery Page.

Becky continues to do well in college and hopes to photograph again for the company during her Spring Break in March. So far everyone looks forward to new photos of their favorite Model Citizen from North Philadelphia. NorFilly™ extends its sincerest congratulations and warmest wishes for a bright and successful future in all your endeavors! Happy 20th Birthday to Picturesque’s first ever Top Model!

Omayra Rivera
On the younger end of the spectrum…
Martin Picturesque has always sought models in all age categories for a portfolio of its portrait work. Seeking a child model that can radiate in every picture was a challenge before Picturesque discovered Omayra, the witty younger sister of two former Model Citizens, Emily and Priscilla. When a management contract for singer/dancer/songwriter Priscilla Estrella went awry, Omayra expressed her desire to work with the company that so strongly supported her big sister’s endeavors.

During the Fall of 2003, Picturesque secured her services for a flyer promoting its Creative Writers After-School Club at Roberto Clemente Middle School. The catch phrase “Stuck for ideas?” accompanied a photo from an early session with Picturesque and took the school by storm. Soon flyers were posted throughout the school, and Creative Writers Club was off the ground for its third consecutive year at the school.

Since that time Omayra has photographed occasionally with Picturesque, eager to be a part of the company’s line of models that represent the superior digital imaging and all-time low prices for students, low-income families and local non-profit organizations. NorFilly™ is proud to wish highest hopes for Omayra on her 12th birthday, celebrated February 20th!