Bracetti Academy, Part 5

Part 5 of 5 – Accentuate the positive

NorFilly™ is – or was until getting hooked into this story – a positive magazine. It is a positive resource for young people interested in any of our focus topics, such as photography or technology. It is a positive outlet for teens and young adults to express their views of the world. It is a positive place for schools to share success stories and achievements.

As such, we are sincere in expressing our desire to visit Bracetti Academy, to see the school in action, and to quell the negative stories about the school. In our May edition, look for an article that illustrates what we saw when we got there and how it might – or might not – have changed our outlook upon seeing it for ourselves.

As always it is refreshing to hear positive stories about any school and its students, and there is merit in the 35 students off on a college tour on the 19th of the month or the fact the school took first place among middle schools for their performance at the Puerto Rican Day Parade last year.

We certainly didn’t approach the school with a negative attitude, nor did we seek out a story on it. It came to us, and we delved into it. Now we’re in it, and in all fairness, we intend to see things from the inside out. If parents and former employees bring issues to us, we can choose to publish them after checking out the stories, whether or not the school cares to comment on them. Likewise, we can take up the kind offers to visit the school and publish what it is like being inside the doors, and there’s no better time than now when things will begin winding down for the school year.

So what does NorFilly™ want out of all this? Only for the story, the whole story, and nothing but the story, so help us Bracetti! As we work to complete the final “episode” of this North Philadelphia melodrama among Bracetti parents and the school’s administration, we know that the good that comes out of it will benefit the students whom the educators seek to serve anyway. And that’s as positive as it gets.